Behold #XppGroupies! The day we’ve been waiting for has come! The Azure-hosted builds are in public preview with PU35!! We can now stop asking Joris when will this be available because it already is! Check the docs!

I’ve been able to write this because I’ve been testing it for a few months with access to the private preview. And of course thanks to Joris for inviting us to the preview!

Azure hosted build
Riding the Azure Pipelines by Caza Pelusas

What does this mean? We no longer need a VM to run the build pipelines! Nah, we still need it! If you’re running tests or synchronizing the DB as a part of your build pipeline you still need the VM. But we can move CI builds to the Azure-hosted agent!

You can also read my full guide on MSDyn365FO & Azure DevOps ALM.

Remember this is a public preview. If you want to join the preview you first need to be part of the Dynamics 365 Insider Program where you can join the “Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Insider Community“. Once invited you should see a new LCS project called PEAP Assets, and inside its Asset Library, you’ll find the nugets in the Nuget package section.

Azure agents

With the capacity to run an extra Azure-hosted build we get another agent to run a pipeline and can run multiple pipelines at the same time. But it still won’t be parallel pipelines, because we only get one VM-less agent. This means we can run a self-hosted and azure hosted pipeline at the same time, but we cannot run two of the same type in parallel. If we want that we need to purchase extra agents.

With a private Azure DevOps project we get 2GB of Artifacts space (we’ll see that later) and one self-hosted and one Microsoft hosted agent with 1800 free minutes:

08CEA665 618A 4F15 B9EC F86A405FA7D8
Azure hosted build: Azure DevOps project pricing

We’ll still keep the build VM, so it’s difficult to tell a customer we need to pay extra money without getting rid of its cost. Plus we’ve been doing everything with one agent until now and it’s been fine, right? So take this like extra capacity, we can divide the build between both agents and leave the MS hosted one for short builds to squeeze the 1800 free minutes as much as possible.

How does it work?

There’s really no magic in this. We move from a self-hosted agent in the build VM to a Microsoft-hosted agent.

The Azure-hosted build relies on NuGet packages to compile our X++ code. The contents of the PackagesLocalDirectory folder, platform, and the compiler tools have basically been put into nugets and what we have in the build VM is now on 3 nugets.

When the build runs it downloads & installs the nugets and uses them to compile our code on the Azure-hosted build along with the standard packages.

What do I need?

To configure the Azure hosted build we need:

  • The 3 nuget packages from LCS: Compiler tools, Platform X++ and Application X++.
  • A user with rights at the organization level to upload the nugets to Azure DevOps.
  • Some patience to get everything running 🙂

So the first step is going to the PEAP LCS’ Asset Library and downloading the 3 nuget packages:

Nugets for the Azure Hosted Build
Nugets for the Azure Hosted Build

Azure DevOps artifact

All of this can be done on your PC or in a dev VM, but you’ll need to add some files and a VS project to your source control so you need to use the developer box for sure.

Head to your Azure DevOps project and go to the Artifacts section. Here we’ll create a new feed and give it a name:

Azure DevOps artifact feed
Azure DevOps artifact feed

You get 2GB for artifacts, the 3 nuget packages’ size is around 500MB, you should have no issues with space unless you have other artifacts in your project.

Now press the “Connect to feed” button and select nuget.exe. You’ll find the instructions to continue there but I’ll explain it anyway.

Then you need to download nuget.exe and put it in the Windows PATH. You can also get the nugets and nuget.exe in the same folder and forget about the PATH. Up to you. Finally, install the credential provider: download this Powershell script and run it. Edit: if the script keeps asking for your credentials and fails try adding -AddNetfx as a parameter. Thanks to Erik Norell for finding this and sharing it in the comments!

Create a new file called nuget.config in the same folder where you’ve downloaded the nugets. It will have the content you can see in the “Connect to feed” page, something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <clear />
    <add key="AASBuild" value="" />

This file’s content has to be exactly the same as what’s displayed in your “Connect to feed” page.

And finally, we’ll push (upload) the nugets to our artifacts feed. We have to do this for each one of the 3 nugets we’ve downloaded:

nuget.exe push -Source "AASBuild" -ApiKey az <packagePath>

You’ll get prompted to enter the user. Remember it needs to have enough rights on the project.

Of course, you need to change “AASBuild” for your artifact feed name. And we’re done with the artifacts.

Prepare Azure DevOps

This new agent needs a solution to build our packages. This means we have to create an empty solution in Visual Studio and set the package of the project to our main package. Like this:

2020 04 24 14 20 58
Visual Studio solution

If you have more than one package or model, you need to add a project to this solution for each separate model you have.

We have to create another file called packages.config with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <package id="Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Platform.DevALM.BuildXpp" version="7.0.5644.16778" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Application.DevALM.BuildXpp" version="10.0.464.13" targetFramework="net40" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Platform.CompilerPackage" version="7.0.5644.16778" targetFramework="net40" />

The version tag will depend on when you’re reading this, but the one above is the correct one for PU35. We’ll need to update this file each time a new version of the nugets is published.

If you’re configuring the pipeline for version 10.0.18 or higher, read this.

And, to end with this part, we need to add the solution, the nuget.config, and the packages.config files to TFVC. This is what I’ve done:

2020 04 24 14 29 01
Azure DevOps

You can see I’ve created a Build folder at the root of my DevOps project. That’s only my preference, but I like to only have code in my branches, even the projects are outside of the branches, I only want the code to move between merges and branches. Place the files and solution inside the Build folder (or wherever you decide).

Configure pipeline

Now we need to create a new pipeline, you can just import this template from the newly created X++ (Dynamics 365) Samples and Tools Github project. After importing the template we’ll modify it a bit. Initially, it will look like this:

2020 04 24 14 35 07 1
Azure hosted build: Default imported pipeline

As you can see the pipeline has all the steps needed to generate the DP, but some of them, the ones contained in the Dynamics 365 tasks, won’t load correctly after the import. You just need to add those steps to your pipeline manually and complete its setup.

Pipeline root

2020 04 24 14 38 27

You need to select the Hosted Azure Pipelines for the Agent pool, and vs2017-win2016 as Agent Specification.

Get sources

DevOps mappings
Azure hosted build: Our mappings

I’ve mapped 2 things here: our codebase in the first mapping and the Build folder where I’ve added the solution and config files. If you’ve placed these files inside your Metadata folder you don’t need the extra mapping.

NuGet install Packages

This step gets the nugets from our artifacts feeds and the installs to be used in each pipeline execution.

2020 04 25 12 41 47 1
Azure hosted build: nuget install

The command uses the config files we have uploaded to the Build folder, and as you can see it’s fetching the files from the $(build.sourcesDirectory)\Build directory we’ve configured in the Get sources step. If you’ve placed those files in a different place you need to change the paths as needed.

Update Model Version

This is one of the steps that are displaying issues even though I got the Dynamics 365 tools installed from the Azure DevOps marketplace. If you got it right you probably don’t need to change anything. If you have the same issue as me, just add a new step and select the “Update Model Version” task and change the fields so it looks like this:

Update Model Version
Azure hosted build: Update Model Version

Build solution

Build solution step

In the build solution step, you have a wildcard in the solution field: **\\*.sln. If you leave this wildcard it will build all the projects you have in the repo and, depending on the number of projects you have, the build could time out.

I solve this by selecting a solution, that contains all the models I have, that I have placed in the Build folder in my repo, and update that solution if you add or remove any model.

Thanks to Ievgen Miroshnikov for pointing this out!

There could be an additional issue with the rnrproj files as Josh Williams points out in a comment. If your project was created pre-PU27 try creating a new solution to avoid problems.

Create Deployable Package

This is another one of the steps that are not loading correctly for me. Again, add it and change as needed:

2020 04 24 14 55 32
Azure hosted build: Create Deployable Package

Add Licenses to Deployable Package

Another step with issues. Do the same as with the others:

2020 04 24 14 57 35
Azure hosted build: Add Licenses to Deployable Package

And that’s all. You can queue the build to test if it’s working. For the first runs, you can disable the steps after the “Build solution” one to see if the nugets are downloaded correctly and your code built. After that try generating the DP and publishing the artifact.

You’ve configured your Azure-hosted build, now it’s your turn to decide in which cases will you use the self-hosted or the azure hosted build.

Update for version 10.0.18

Since version 10.0.18 we’ll be getting 4 NuGet packages instead of 3 because of the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Application.DevALM.BuildXpp NuGet size is getting near or over the max size which is 500MB and will come as 2 NuGet packages from now on.

You can read about this in the docs.

There just 2 small changes we need to do to the pipeline if we’re already using it, one to the packages.config file and another one to the pipeline.


The packages.config file will have an additional line for the Application Suite NuGet.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <package id="Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Platform.DevALM.BuildXpp" version="7.0.5968.16973" targetFramework="net40" />
    <package id="Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Application.DevALM.BuildXpp" version="10.0.793.16" targetFramework="net40" />
    <package id="Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ApplicationSuite.DevALM.BuildXpp" version="10.0.793.16" targetFramework="net40" />
    <package id="Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Platform.CompilerPackage" version="7.0.5968.16973" targetFramework="net40" />


We need to add a new variable to the pipeline variables called AppSuitePackage with the value Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ApplicationSuite.DevALM.BuildXpp.

New Azure DevOps pipeline variable
New Azure DevOps pipeline variable

And then use it in the build step and change it to:

/p:BuildTasksDirectory="$(NugetsPath)\$(ToolsPackage)\DevAlm" /p:MetadataDirectory="$(MetadataPath)" /p:FrameworkDirectory="$(NuGetsPath)\$(ToolsPackage)" /p:ReferenceFolder="$(NuGetsPath)\$(PlatPackage)\ref\net40;$(NuGetsPath)\$(AppPackage)\ref\net40;$(MetadataPath);$(Build.BinariesDirectory);$(NuGetsPath)\$(AppSuitePackage)\ref\net40" /p:ReferencePath="$(NuGetsPath)\$(ToolsPackage)" /p:OutputDirectory="$(Build.BinariesDirectory)"


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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations technical architect and developer. Business Applications MVP since 2020.


  1. Hi, Do you have any video recording for this ? if Yes, please share it. I stuck on the following step.

    Then you need to download nuget.exe and put it in the Windows PATH. You can also get the nugets and nuget.exe in the same folder and forget about the PATH. Up to you. Finally, install the credential provider: download this Powershell script and run it. Edit: if the script keeps asking for your credentials and fails try adding -AddNetfx as a parameter. Thanks to Erik Norell for finding this and sharing it in the comments!

    By “Windows PATH” you mean any folder? let say on C drive etc ? Similarly I am also not clear how to install the credential provider
    Manual installation on Windows
    Download the latest release of
    I am not clear about step 3.

    • Adrià Ariste Santacreu Reply

      Hi Tasheen,

      you can skip adding nuget to your Windows PATH and just execute it in the folder it is. The script is ran by calling it in a PowerShell command line, using “\.installcredprovider.ps1” (without the quotes). If the computer doesn’t have netcore installed you need to call it like this: “\.installcredprovider.ps1” -AddNetFx (without the quotes also).

  2. Please mention the command for this one

    Finally, install the credential provider: download this Powershell script and run it. Edit: if the script keeps asking for your credentials and fails try adding -AddNetfx as a parameter. Thanks to Erik Norell for finding this and sharing it in the comments!

    I am not sure why cannot I see the existing comments on this post.

    • Adrià Ariste Santacreu Reply

      You should use “\.installcredprovider.ps1 -AddNetFx” (without the quotes) in a PowerShell terminal.

  3. HI thanks for your replies.

    Do I need to update the value of targerFramework? if Yes from where i can find it ?

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for your continuous replies. I have reached to the point where I imported the sample pipeline but need help in configuring it and also need some help to understand which is best place to save the empty solution ? we have 2 custom models and 5 ISVs (2 models from do centric and 3 from partner. we get it as packages.) At the moment I am using Cloud hosted Build VM (that creates the pipeline automictically) to create packages and release packages. But as we know it will no longer available after sometime . so wants to switch it to azure pipeline as soon as possible.

    Is it possible to have zoom meeting for 10 to 15 minutes ? or any other way to have call with screen sharing ? whatever time suits you. I will manage it accordingly.

  5. Hi,

    I have a ISV package along with its license model. I am in the process of creating a deployable package with few ISV models, using Azure hosted pipelines.
    For the step on creating an blank solution with one project for each model, I am unable to reference a ISV model. How can this be achieved?

      • I have the binaries and have already added them to the source control. Now, following the steps from this blog to create a Azure hosted build pipeline. I was on the step where I created a blank visual studio solution and trying to add 1 project per ISV model. But running into a roadblock as I cannot reference the ISV model while associating it to the project. I don’t see the ISV models in the dropdown in the Project properties window.

        • Adrià Ariste Santacreu Reply

          Ah I got it. You shouldn’t need a solution if you don’t have code. The binaries are added in one of the steps of the pipeline. If you take a look at Joris’ post I linked in my previous comment you should be able to generate the deployable package.

  6. Hi ,

    Thanks for the great blog post. I am having a confusing around the build pipeline setup. Can you please help ?

    Regarding NuGet install Packages step : Path to package.config field : should I navigate here to the exact folder path where I have kept the config files or keep it as it is?

    Regarding Update Model Version step : I have to remove and reinstall this step. How so I reinstall this? Is there any add option or installation option here?

    Kindly help.

    • Hi Ssm,

      For the NuGets, you need to add all the path up to the .config file.

      Update Model Version: add a new task and look for it, it should be there.

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