So three days ago I took a look at the new 10.0.25 features currently in the PEAP program, calmly scrolling through until I saw something about custom scripts on prod, something that read:

Run custom X++ scripts with zero downtime

You can imagine my face when I read this. At the beginning I was confused, then surprised and then confused again. After reading the description, the situation wouldn’t get better:

This feature lets you upload and run deployable packages that contain custom X++ scripts without having to go through Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) or suspend your system. Therefore, you can correct minor data inconsistences without causing any disruptive downtime.

Are we getting a way to run custom code in production without having to deploy it? Yes we are. As many people have said these past two days: “X++ jobs are back!”. And there are a lot of discussions going on about the custom scripts feature.