
Adrià Ariste Santacreu


If you’re working with the (not so) new self-service Tier 2 environments in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations you might have already noticed this: the reports in Tier 2+ and production environments aren’t using the SSRS report viewer, instead they’re being displayed in a beautiful PDF preview form.

But what happens on your development box?

If you want to know more about self-service environments you can read these posts I wrote a while back:

A short one! Some time ago I explained how to add a multi selection lookup to a SysOperation dialog and in this post I’ll explain how to add a Menu Item as a Function button to the SysOperation dialog.

Before the SysOperation Framework was introduced in AX2012, we used the RunBase Framework, and maybe doing these things looked easier/quickier with RunBase because all the logic was in a single class. But in the end what we need to do is practically the same but we have to do it in the UIBuilder class.

Let me show you and explain all the code. I’ll only show the DataContract and UIBuilder classes as they’re the only important ones in this case.

This is another post about solving Dynamics 365 problems using external tools. However I’m starting to think as everything Azure-related as not external at all. In this case I’ll show different scenarios using Azure functions with Dynamics 365.

I wrote this almost three weeks ago and it was intended as a two-part post but after seeing this wonderful blog post about Azure Functions from Fabio Filardi I don’t know what else could I add to it and will probably leave it here. Go check it!

In this post we’ll see what Azure Functions are and how to create one locally and deploy it to Azure.

I’m sorry for my English-speaking readers because, maybe, this post will be a bit useless for you as all the content I’ll talk about is in Spanish. But it’s always good to know!

In the last few days I’ve taken part in a community event, the 365 Saturday online, and I’ve also started a podcast. I want to talk a bit about this.

Dynamics Power Spain Online 2020

This has been my fourth participation as a speaker in the last three years and as usual I’ve presented a session with Juanan. This time we’ve talked about using Azure DevOps with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

It’s a topic I write about a lot, but we really think there’s still many people using it in a wrong way or just using the source control part. And that’s bad!

Behold #XppGroupies! The day we’ve been waiting for has come! The Azure-hosted builds are in public preview with PU35!! We can now stop asking Joris when will this be available because it already is! Check the docs!

I’ve been able to write this because I’ve been testing it for a few months with access to the private preview. And of course thanks to Joris for inviting us to the preview!

What does this mean? We no longer need a VM to run the build pipelines! Nah, we still need it! If you’re running tests or synchronizing the DB as a part of your build pipeline you still need the VM. But we can move CI builds to the Azure-hosted agent!

You can also read my full guide on MSDyn365FO & Azure DevOps ALM.

Remember this is a public preview. If you want to join the preview you first need to be part of the Dynamics 365 Insider Program where you can join the “Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Insider Community“. Once invited you should see a new LCS project called PEAP Assets, and inside its Asset Library, you’ll find the nugets in the Nuget package section.

The new LCS DB API endpoint to create a database export has been published! With it we now have a way of automating and scheduling a database refresh from your Dynamics 365 FnO production environment to a developer or Tier 1 VM.

You can learn more about the LCS DB REST API by reading these posts I wrote some time ago. You might want to read them because I’m skipping some steps which are already explained there:

You can also read the full guide on MSDyn365FO & Azure DevOps ALM.

And remember: this is currently in private preview. If you want to join the preview you first need to be part of the Dynamics 365 Insider Program where you can join the “Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Insider Community“. Once invited to the Yammer organization you can ask to join the “Self-Service Database Movement / DataALM” group where you’ll get the information to add yourself to the preview and enable it on LCS.

Compiler warnings. Warnings. They’re not errors, only warnings. You can just overlook and forget them, right? Well, I hope you aren’t.

“But even the standard code done by Microsoft throws warnings!”, you could say. And that’s true, but that’s not your code, it’s Microsoft’s. If a functionality you’re using breaks because they didn’t care about their warnings, you can open a support request and it’s Microsoft’s job to fix it. If your code breaks some functionality because you didn’t care about a warning, it’s your job to fix it, and your customer will want it as fast as you’d want Microsoft to fix their error.

That’s why we should be warned about warnings (badum tss).